My lil' World

~ a little little world that seems so big ~

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

lil yawn * yawn*

*yawn yawn yawn* sleepy...still. cold cold morning makes mua lil bed more interesting to sunggle in.

Feelings = Blank ( heart blank, mind blank)

being a lil kid is nice, not much worries, play play play but too bad can't stay in that form forever. Still have grow up but...still can be kiddy inside where no one knows about it. Muahaha....double side * opps promised to be a good girl this week* * takes back the evil laugh* ..* angel wings flipping* ehehe...


Sunday, November 27, 2005

lil angel ...well almost

You Are a Good Girl

You are 70% Good and 30% Bad
Generally speaking, you're a very good girl.
(But you don't have us totally fooled!)

Saturday, November 26, 2005

lil' me on a lil' morning day

good morning.

current mood : fresh and relax, a bit tired though

mr sun has come had been raining lil cats and lil dogs since a couple of weeks ago. Glad to see mr sun again. *hello mr sun, how are u doing?* Singing in the sun ...lalalala..* an edited version of singing in the rain* ..hey some imagination please - daydream

^_^ huggie

Thursday, November 24, 2005

lil strain ~

lil strain on the top ( meaning my head), thinking about a wee lil bit of thing that might or might not affect my future...oh well, it's juz a wee lil thing but some ( maybe lots ) lil thing counts. Hmm...well, if i'm lil, do i count or not or do it count a lot? =P go figure, i'm going to figure it too in my wee lil bedroom ....

Monday, November 21, 2005

lil blur + lil cold..brr

lil cold
rain = cold weather ( guess it explains it all )

lil blur

~blur because i dunno what is it about ~

Your World View

You are a cautious type, neutral, and rather insecure.
You would agree with the idea that everybody has his price...
And in your own case it would not be high.

You are ruled by an inferiority complex and not easy to assess.
How do you present yourself to the world?
An idealist, a moralist, a conformist keeping up with the Joneses?

lil' current stuff

current mood = a lil tired , a lil aching but surprisingly not sleepy , or not that sleepy yet.
current thinking = comfy bed
current wish= won't ever have exams =P
current dream = not dreaming yet, still awake
current soft toys= 1 big teddy bear, 1 small teddy bear named 'bear chan', 1 bubbles ( from the powerpuff girls) , 1 pink piggy face, 1 pink piggy in a shape of a bolster,1 snoopy and lastly 1 snoopy face ( can also be used as a blanket)

~hmm....lil girl scout~ hehe..was one once but for halloween? hmm..* think think*

Your Haloween Costume Should Be

A Girl Scout

Saturday, November 19, 2005

lil weird..hmmm..

You Should Get a MBA (Masters of Business Administration)

You're a self starter with a drive for success.
You'd make a great entrepreneur.

~something really weird for me~ >_<

Friday, November 18, 2005

lil cat anyone?

~lil cats~

Quoted from wikipedia :

"The cat, also called the domestic cat or the house cat, is a small feline carnivorous mammal of the subspecies Felis silvestris catus. Its most immediate, pre-domestication ancestor is the African wild cat, Felis silvestris lybica. The cat has been living in close association with humans for at least 3,500 years; the Ancient Egyptians routinely used cats to keep mice and other rodents away from their grain.The Egyptians drew cats so that they looked very skinny.The Egyptains thought that skinny cats looked very magestic. The history of the domestic cat may stretch back even further, as 8,000-year-old bones of humans and cats were found buried together on the island of Cyprus[1]. Currently, the cat is one of the world's most popular household pets."


lil bubbles

lil bubbles of the powerpuff gals. likes to cry sometimes but always tries to overcome that feeling of crying. lil bubbles

Thursday, November 17, 2005

lil' time for lil' old me

A little time for myself makes me feels great sometimes ^_^. It might sound like wasting 'precious' time but it does "recharge" your inner self, try it =) . Sitting at a sofa, doing nothing & just thinking might seems like a waste of time, but it does make you feel nice sometimes...forget about the world for a lil o' moment there, go into some other world for a moment (wherever it is)..."A lil time makes the lil bit of huge difference...."

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

lil bit of minute before a lil nap

Currently raining...currently sleepy..currently half full...currently thinking about someone...currently lazying...currently staring at bed..Nap -n-

lil' childhood fantasy

A room filled with soft toys, fluffy bed, a huge shelves of books & novel, wall with warm and wooden feeling. ---> my childhood fantasy. Even wanted to meet some pixies or faries ( Read too much Enid Blyton already). Wonder if i can ever get those......