My lil' World

~ a little little world that seems so big ~

Saturday, February 17, 2007

lil week~

summing up this week...

Busy Monday - passed up 2 proposals, practice(s), etc ..tired ..
So so Tuesday - Hmm.. classes, naps, and bus ticket
Looking-forward-to Wednesday - Classes, Nandos, Coupons, No Flowers, no Chocolates. Excitement down-ed
Normal Thursday- Class, Library, Naps, Practice
Outing Friday - Buses, Movie, Shopping, Steamboat, "special cake(s)", Cuddles
Home sweet home Saturday- Bus (again), Goodbye, Home.

Initially, the week doesn't look too good , until after Wednesday. Excited Wednesday was...not as planned. Anyway, things look pretty good for thursday and friday, today too...

Wonder what's up for next week *ponders*

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

lil valentine day ~

It's that day again..

The campus is not filled with that much of flowers as it usually does in the previous years.

Well...listen to me rant.

flowers are not that special nowadays, but it still's juz not THAT special.

Some gals would come and say " here , here...look, nice or not?" making other gals feel sad ( whether they dun have anyone special, or din get one as nice as their friends)...jealousy? yea of course. Although we know it's not necessary to have flowers, but deep down inside, it did a bit "nudging" in the heart.

Another type of gals,
" i told my bf not to buy me flowers dy....dun want to waste place to put"
Bleh, juz because they are those kind who usually gets bouquet of flowers, getting a bouquet of flowers are like *nothing* to them. What about other ones, that haven even get a bouquet, or a tiny lil flower...they too want to experience, at least once to get a bouquet.

Ok, enough of me ranting.

Happy Valentine Day ! ( to me)


Saturday, February 03, 2007

lil sensitivity

Laziness... wonder can't do stuff..

Being a lil kid is damn fun ...

Friday, February 02, 2007

lil turn-a-round

I'm damn freaking lazy....
too much thoughts
too much wishes
none been done
none been achieved

too bad...can't turn back time.
Choices made are meant to it or not, no turning back..