My lil' World

~ a little little world that seems so big ~

Friday, July 25, 2008

lil 1 month penang

~~ 1 month's been a month ^_^

got my salary today wee~~~ definately more than the 500 bucks i made during itp
but things are different, have to save save a bit :P,
it's MEGA sales T_T
huhu.. i wanna a new cardis, jackets, n inside shirts.

actually wanna buy lingerie also, but ... paiseh XD next time next time

convo's coming up,
after that, more n more ppl coming up penang~

damn i miss the fun of uni life, i miss some of them too ..


but i dun miss my fyp, test, assignments, etc...

it's the weekend~~~ so, enjoy~~

but i still envy those ppl who goes for modeling..T_T why can they get all dolled up n pretty.
me want too.. *sniff*

anyway, better sign off b4 the net goes off...stupid.......broadband

Monday, July 21, 2008

lil 100~

oh my...

my 100th post wah wah ... *watery big eyes*

Hehe, lil bloggie has it ups n downs.

anyhow, convo's coming..

sobs. everyone's grown up *sniff*

i hope i grow up too

but 1st. must trim my tummy~ a bit, getting rounder i guess. thehehe

convo~ n big gal / young woman, here i come~~

Saturday, July 12, 2008

lil penang

penang is all nice ~ not bad

working life is .. as other's ppl working life.. hehe, but i guess i must save save...

*dun spend so much, i'm juz telling myself*

life is as it is..

convo coming up soon.. miss all mua buddies~ hugs.. miss mumu too :)

wished can go down kl shopping... mega sales~

but top in my list of stuff : streamyx.. >_<