My lil' World

~ a little little world that seems so big ~

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

lil's bits of "direct" life

p/s i usually write about stuff that happens in a "hidden" way..but today it's different. Dun ask me why, i juz feel like it



felt lame coz got labbie..after so many days of running here n there, still can't rest , of coz moodless la. Good thing, the lab was short. Went off around 10am. Before that, someone told us that our lab session was cancelled but good thing we din walked off juz like that *phew*..went n bought textbook and "tekan" some money...


"cooked" tuna, makan it juz like that...then went classes..bleh. An hour break, went to sri zamrud to see " HR boy" then talk talk..lene gave alex a big patrick soft toy..huhu..nice..ehehe=P .

Talking about v-day ( the day before), somehow, i dunno, during a lec class , i feel so down, =( suddenly, v -day also.... Pls remind me never to help ppl sell flowers again..
Hehe..well, it might change though.

Let's turn back a bit to v-day...*recap recap*
v-day, busy day, whole day classes >.< , well, since i was helping a friend to set up booth n also selling flowers, i also have to deliver them..aih. Juz do lo. Saw my friends with big big bouquet of flowers..i suddenly felt my heart sink. Dunno why, jealous gua. I know i shouldn't be, but i can't help it >.<>.< , saw some other flowers too...( shouldn't have help there //bleh) . Came home, saw housemate bought 3 flowers..huhuhu..yc got 6 flowers..big ones.. i know i shouldn't be envy, it's juz flowers..but dunno. somehow juz like that.. fele asking me what to wear to her date later at nite, like she always does when she wanted to go out =P But i got more flowers this year ^_^ , one from fele, one from chaur, 2 from *someone* Got 3 last year, 1 from an
anonymous fella 2 years ago.
still not going to sell flowers during v-day, only would make me sad. n that so-called daddy lo..., give all his daughters takra..lupa!! least ojs bagi lil teddy bear..yay! another one to my collection.

This 2 roses from *someone*..then home-cooked dinner, macaroni, n mushroom soup, with lots of mushroom, can't finished hehe...
Had choco ice cream too...yummy..most memorable v-day dinner to date ^_^ muaks..

ok..back to the day,
after class, went n pick *someone* up, n went to leggy =( pain..
* bite bite*


had dinner, anime, campus...COS camp briefing this fri to sun, then back here...maple-ed n now typing this..

While i was waiting for my housemate to pickme up from campus, i took a peek at NOC 4. damn...i missed those days, suddenly, ..i know my lifestyle changed, my thinking too..n some other stuffs..but i miss those's weird eh. i miss the tambourine dance..when i took a peek, saw them dancing mind was * hmmmm..i know that move, that is banner, thenn...that is eagle's flight..hmm..then that is combat.., then that is rejoice...then trinity* muahahaha..but huhuhuhuhu...i want to dance too...been dancing since std 5 till form 4.. still have my dancing clothes at home, only dunno where's the shirt. that 4 metres skirt in my cupboard ( at hometown la)..way of worshiping for definately wayyyy different, me torn too..but choose to follow the other one. well i have my ppl playing banners too. well, i did try banners .."try" only la..haha, wanted to learn to ribbon too but too bad la..can't attend the camp that time. waaaaaaaaaaaa *sobz* miss it...

Things that i realised today

* being envy of other ppl getting better things that what u get, sometimes it's juz temporary...i juz learned that there are more things to it that getting what other ppl have.
I'm talking about ..who would let his hand being bitten to hold ur pain, who would always teman u to the doc, hehe....*someone*. Who would stand all my childish way crybaby now, very kuat merajuk too...n "ganas" in some way. Who would say the "macaroni" was nice although i know it's not hehe...I know that being envy of not getting much on v-day is juz temporary, i would go off "poof" like that. human nature that is...

*i miss tambourine dancing...=( wanna to dance back again..=( really want tooooo........
btw, my tambourine collecting dust at home..waaa....culture shock

*always pay a visit to the doc, if not, u would feel lame always..

* cooking together is fun although the food sucks la..i know..

ok signing off

-lil kiddy me-


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